Kids Wish Network

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Wish Brings Adventure and Comfortable Clarity

MERRIAM, Kan. (February 2024): Shawn has hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy that affects his central nervous system, intractable epilepsy with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, and global developmental delay. He’s also legally blind, and relies on a wheelchair for mobility. Shawn’s preschool helps him with physical, occupational, speech, feeding, and swim therapies, and he especially loves his time in the pool splashing in the water. Kids Wish Network made Shawn’s dream come true, purchasing generous gift cards for a family getaway to Great Wolf Lodge, a kid-friendly adventure resort with a massive indoor water park. Shawn will love all the water-filled play zones. Kids Wish Network also purchased him much-needed prescription glasses with arms that curve over his ears to keep them from falling down, an ongoing struggle with his previous pair. His new glasses will make a big difference in his world every day. 

“Thank you so much!” said his mom Laniece. Shawn’s new glasses are a perfect fit, and so much fun still awaits his family at the Great Wolf Lodge. His mom is so grateful for all the comfort and happiness the wish will bring to Shawn.

Many Thanks 

Kids Wish Network could not have provided this wish to Shawn without the help of the many supporters who believe in making wishes come true for kids who need hope. Visit to learn about our different programs.

Kids Wish Network has been making dreams come true for children since 1997. We are dedicated to infusing hope, creating happy memories, and improving the quality of life for children experiencing life-altering situations. We started with the single purpose of granting wishes to children suffering from life-threatening conditions but have since created additional programs to benefit kids nationwide, including Hero of the Month, Project Toy Drop, Holiday of Hope Gift Banks, and A Child Forever Funeral Assistance.

Every kid’s wish is worth the investment because every wish changes a life.

If you would like to sponsor a child’s wish, or if you know a child who is suffering from a life-threatening illness and may be in need of Kids Wish Network’s wish-granting services, please call 727-789-0008.