Kids Wish Network

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Hero Nurtures Nana Battling Cancer Amid Own Daily Struggles

Deborah (Annie) has a loving and caring personality. She always has such patience when her sister has to have several doctor appointments or hospital stays. Deborah came into the world being a fighter. She also deals with me, her nana, fighting cancer like no other. She tries her best to take care of me when I am sick. If I am really feeling bad, she will pull a chair up to the end of my bed just to watch me and make sure I’m ok. She never complains and just goes with the flow. She is my hero.

Deborah was born with a condition that creates daily challenges, yet she always tries her best at everything. She is a ray of sunshine, and brings joy to anyone she is around.

She was nominated by her grandmother, and Kids Wish Network is pleased to award Deborah as a Hero. Kids Wish Network previously granted her sister a Lifetime Wish.